Step 6: Collecting data
Now that you have determined which instrument(s) should be used, decide the specific methods by which you will collect responses. As previously stated, this toolkit primarily focuses on using online surveys, paper surveys passed out to respondents to complete, or using an interview structure to ask survey questions in the field (interviewers collect survey responses verbally in person, by phone, via video conferencing). High-level guidance on focus groups is included in this toolkit for those who are interested in other supplemental data collection methods. Focus groups of community members can be conducted to supplement findings from surveys or interviews. If you are going to use the suggested questionnaires for focus groups, questions will need to be revised to a more open-ended format instead of reading each response option.
For the In-depth approach, you may consider collecting data by:
- sending teams of two people to randomly selected clusters of households to conduct in-person interviews and ask for referrals
- conducting interviews through phone or video conferencing (Zoom, Skype, or WebEx) with randomly selected clusters of households and ask for referrals
- sending online surveys (email or text)
The CDC provides the following guidance to help determine how you want to collect data.
Type | Pros | Cons |
Paper and Pencil Questionnaire (In-Person) |
Web-Based Tool
Some examples include Survey Monkey, SurveyGizmo, Qualtrics |
(Face to Face or via Phone or Video Conferencing) |
Focus Groups (For supplemental data collection) |
Helpful tip 1: Often online survey programs have an option to send surveys using text messaging. If you have access to an online survey program, such as Survey Monkey, SurveyGizmo, or Qualtrics, check if they have a text or SMS campaign option.
Helpful tip 2: If you are using on online survey program, there may be an option to program numerical values for the response options to closed-ended questions. You will likely see this as an option when you are building the question into the online survey program. Including the numerical values will help reduce time spent cleaning the data later on. The Assessment tools in Appendix E and the Codebooks in Appendix G provide numerical values for reference. Please keep in mind that if you change response options, you will need to update the codebook and values.
Helpful tip 3: As you collect data, review the background information of your respondents to determine how closely they match your target population.
Training the interviewers
If you decide to conduct interviews, whether in-person, on the phone, or through video conferencing, it is very important to ensure the interviewers are trained. Training the interviewers in how to appropriately ask questions helps ensure data quality and consistency. It also helps protect the well-being of both the respondents and the interviewers.
To prepare to conduct interviews or focus groups, you and your team may review the following training resources. Appendix F provides a packet of resources for training interviewers.
This toolkit provides a Training Agenda of topics to review with the interview teams. You can also edit and use the Interview Training Presentation to train teams in best practices for conducting interviews. Also attached are Safety Procedures for Supervisors and Trainers to review and an Incident Report should an incident occur in the field. The safety procedures and protocol of what to do when there is an incident should be developed and available to interviewers and project staff at all times.
Because the interviewers may be asking and listening to sensitive topics, the interviewers may need resources to support their well-being and mental health. Share the Mental Health Resources list for Interviewers to help support them during and after data collection. This list can also be shared with participants, as needed.
When participants indicate they have an immediate need, it is helpful to share a Resources list with them at the end of the assessment. Prepare a resources list using the Resources list template and the General National Resources list while planning your assessment. Ask your interviewers to share this list to those who need services or have a copy available at the end of the online survey for participants to save for themselves.
If you are interested in conducting focus groups to collect supplemental data, use the following resources as guides for conducting focus groups.
- NOAA’s Introduction for Conducting Focus Groups
- University of Kansas Center for Community Health and Development Community Toolbox Resources on Conducting Focus Groups
Helpful tip 1: If conducting interviews or focus groups, bring water and snacks for participants.
Helpful tip 2: If asking questions in person, participants may want to discuss their experience during or after the disaster. Participants may have experienced and are still experiencing significant trauma due to the disaster and may become emotional when answering questions. Be open to hearing about their experience and be ready to provide a list of local resources to support their emotional and mental health needs. Appendix F includes a resources list template to complete prior to collecting data.